Recrutement en mer


Lorsque des besoins sont identifiés, des campagnes de recrutement sont ouvertes sur notre site internet dans l’espace « offre d’emploi » et publiées également sur divers sites internet comme LinkedIn. Nous ne prenons pas de candidatures spontanées en dehors de ces campagnes.  

Ce qu’il faut savoir : 

  • Nous ne prenons pas de bénévoles à bord de l’Ocean Viking 
  • Le personnel effectuant les sauvetages en mer sont des marins professionnels, ayant déjà acquis une expérience professionnelle 
  • La langue de travail à bord de l’Ocean Viking est l’anglais 

 Le personnel navigant (capitaine, second, cuisiniers, etc) est fourni par le propriétaire de l’Ocean Viking. 

 Il nous arrive de recruter du personnel dans le domaine de la communication ou de la logistique en rotation à bord/repos/bureau.  

 Le détail des certificats / expérience à avoir pour chaque type de poste est mentionné plus bas (en anglais). 


When needs are identified, recruitment campaigns are opened on our website in the "job offer" space and also published on various websites like Linkedin. We do not accept unsolicited applications outside of these campaigns. 

What you need to know : 

  • We do not take volunteers on board the Ocean Viking 
  • The personnel carrying out the rescues at sea are professional sailors, who already have some professional experience 
  • The working language on board the Ocean Viking is English  

The seafaring personnel (captain, first mate, cooks, etc) are provided by the owner of the Ocean Viking. 

 Occasionally, we may recruit communications or logistics staff on a rotation basis on board/office/rest. 

 Details on experience and qualifications are provided below. 

Sauvetage en mer - Search and Rescue

Crew must have: 

  • Significant rescue or maritime experience 
  • Fluent in English 
  • Available for a minimum of 6 to 9 weeks at a time 
  • Valid Basic Safety Training (BST) with associated refresher certificates (4 modules)  
  • Valid seafarer medical certificate 
  • STCW Security Awareness certificate STCW A-6/6-1 
  • Proficiency in Survival Crafts and Rescue Boats (STCW AVI/2-1), if available 
  • Of particular interest: Arab-speaking seafarers, seafarers able to drive RHIBs, seafarers with technical, bosun or IT skills 

    Photographes / Vidéastes

    In addition to rescuing and protecting survivors, testifying is one of SOS MEDITERRANEE main mandate. Since the beginning of our operations, we embed independent media outlets as well as an SOS MEDITERRANEE communications team on board to document the reality unfolding in the central Mediterranean.  

    Among our communications team, working under the supervision of an onboard communications coordinator, are professional photo/videographers. 

    If you would like be part of our pool of photo/videographers deployed on spot assignments, please read the requirements: 

    • Significant professional experience in difficult operating environments 
    • Fluent in English 
    • Available for a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks at a time 
    • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19 
    • Of particular interest: additional language (Arabic, Tingrinya, Bengali) 

    We don't have any open position.

    Personnel médical - Medical Team

    The medical team and the post-rescue team working on board the Ocean Viking are provided through our partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.  

     If you are interested in joining them, please visit the website of IFRC.  

    They are looking for profile with: 

    • Significant emergency or humanitarian medical experience  
    • Fluent in English  
    • Available for a minimum of 6 to 9 weeks at a time  
    • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19  
    • Of particular interest: doctors, nurses, midwifes with an additional language (Arabic, Italian, French, German, Spanish)  

    If any additional needs are identified on the medical team, we will launch specific recruitment campaigns on our website.  

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